P. 12

NL: Newfoundland and Labrador
               nM: nanomolar
               NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartic acid
               nmol: nanomole
               NNT: number needed to treat
               NRG1: neuregulin 1
               NRS: numerical rating scale
               NRS-PI: numerical rating scale for pain intensity
               NS: Nova Scotia
               NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
               NSDUH: National Survey on Drug Use and Health
               NT: Northwest Territories
               NU: Nunavut
               O: onset of effects
               OA: osteoarthritis
               OEA: oleoylethanolamide
               ON: Ontario
               OR: odds ratio
               P: peak effects
               PE: Prince Edward Island
               P.O.: oral administration
               PD: Parkinson’s disease
               PDQ-39: 39-Item Parkinson Disease Questionnaire
               PEA: palmitoylethanolamide
               PLD: phospholipase-D
               pNRS: pain numerical rating score
               PPAR: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
               PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Sytematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
               PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder
               PWID: people who inject drugs
               QC: Quebec
               q.i.d.: quater in die (i.e. four times per day)
               QoL: quality of life
               RA: rheumatoid arthritis
               RCT: randomized controlled trial
               REM: rapid eye movement
               RNA: ribonucleic acid
               Rx: prescription
               s: second
               SAFTEE: Systematic Assessment of Treatment Emergent Events
               s.c.: subcutaneous
               SCI: spinal cord injury
               SD: standard deviation
               SDLP: standard deviation of lateral position
               SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Health Survey
               SIBDQ: short IBD questionnaire
               SIV: simian immunodeficiency virus
               SK: Saskatchewan
               SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism
               sNRS: subjective numerical rating spasticity scale
               S-TOPS: Short-Form Treatment Outcomes in Pain Survey
               SYS: Saguenay Youth Study
               t.i.d.: ter in die (i.e. three times per day)
               TGCT: testicular germ cell tumours
               THC: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
               THCA: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid
               THCV: tetrahydrocannabivarin
               TIA: transient ischemic attack

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